Why this one?
As an allotment holder my dad always grew courgettes and as any courgette grower knows you end up with a glut of them come summer. I've been conditioning myself to seek out any nice looking courgette recipes, this hunting mission has led to courgettes cakes, pickles, tarts, flans, you name it, we've tried it. How could I not do this one I ask you?!

Find the recipe here...

Any substitutes?
I didn't have any fresh oregano so used dried.

The actual cooking of the dish
This was being made as part of a couple of side dishes for a socially distanced BBQ, I was so excited to start cooking for someone other than me or my husband.

Before the day prep is always a winner in my books and with this I made the filling the day before and kept it in the fridge. Ottolenghi wasn't lying when he created SIMPLE it really was super easy. Firstly scrape out the courgettes middles and then mix everything else together. Then re-stuff and bake.

Just one little trip up, I added the oregano to the filling and not the salsa, who knows if this made a difference but I am inclined to think it didn't.

What I thought
Sicilian summers sitting on a sun drenched terrace enjoying the passage of time - that's what these zingy little loves were like. Crunchy courgette complimented by the light, fresh stuffing. The hit of lemon and oregano an instant transportation to the mediterranean. A slight hit of cheese, and then a squish of a cherry tomato, all the flavours soaked up in the slight sourness of the breadcrumbs.  I gobbled it all up.  

Comments from my notoriously "it's fine" father in law - "can I have the recipe please?". The highest compliment for these wonderful courgettes - well done my beauties.

Difficulty: Easy

Tastiness rating: 9/10

Next time I'd.... use a yellow courgette too, just because it would look nice. Defiantly be doing this all summer long. Would be fab with a hunk of bread or with any fish or meat or as part of a mezze as I did. 
