Why this one?
I had some Feta, yes there is Feta in this cheesecake left over in the fridge and frozen cherries in the freezer, 2 ingredients from a list of 16 seemed a good enough reason for me to make this deconstructed cheesecake. Plus the picture in the booked looked delicious, i'm such a suckers of a pretty picture.

Find the recipe here... https://ottolenghi.co.uk/recipes/sweet-and-salty-cheesecake-with-cherries-and-crumble

Any substitutes?
For the crumbled I flaked almonds as I couldn't get hold of any blanched almonds.

The actual cooking of the dish
I have to make a confession here my sister did pretty much all of this cook. She stayed over as she is in our bubble and we spent a glorious morning cooking together. Heaven. 

Her comments were that it was actually very easy to cook. The only issue she had was breaking up the Feta with the spatula. I suggested using a different implement but she was insistent on following the recipe to the T. 

This dish was made in three parts, the cheesecake, the cherries and the crumble and then just assembled when ready to serve, perfect for a dinner party.  

What I thought
Ripples of dark, oozy, sticky cheery sauce swirled through the creamy, firm cheesecake with a sprinkling of crunchy golden and nutty crumble. This dish looked good enough to eat. 

The cherry sauce so sugary and sweet punctuated by the aromatics of the star anise and the citrusy hit from the orange. My husbands not enjoying the stewed fruit like texture of the cherries whereas I revealed in the soft pop of the fruit.

The creamy cheesecake was simple, and on its own could be considered bland but in this case was the blank canvas needed to celebrate the cherries and the crumble but the texture thick and decadent so you still know this desert is deliciously bad for you.

I loved how easy it was to assemble but still had that showstopping ability.

Difficulty: Easy

Tastiness rating: 8/10

Next time I'd.... try and serve the cherries warm, i tired them in the pan and they were divine, for me they lost a little something being cool. 
