Why this one?
Having done another carrot recipe from Ottolenghi's SIMPLE and ending up repeating it multiple times because it was so good I decided to give another one a go. Plus we had a bunch of carrots in the fridge from last weeks veg box and another load of carrots in this weeks box - they needed to be used.

Find the recipe here...

Any substitutes?
Not so much a substitute but I used normal carrots cut into batons rather baby carrots.

The actual cooking of the dish
Steaming the carrots led me to use about 5 meters of tin foil trying to cover the colander - each time I thought I had managed it I spotted steam whispering out of another uncovered hole. By the time the majority of the steam was contained I had practically pressed the buy now button on a steamer. 

As soon as the carrots were cooked they were tossed and according to the recipe left to cool in an olive oil and cider vinegar mixture. I hadn't planned enough time so my carrots were still warm when the yoghurt and creme fraiche was mixed through.  

What I thought
Crunching through the carrot the soft middle infused with a taste of apple, a slight acidity from the vinegar soothed by the yoghurt and creme fraiche.  Honey and carrots a match made in heaven but this dish managed not to be overly sweet in thanks to the creaminess of the yoghurt. The merging of the olive oil, vinegar and honey with they dairy components and the warm carrots coated each orange baton beautiful, their earthiness complimented by the very slight aniseed of the dill and the aromatics of the coriander.

Although this is a salad and recommended to be served cold I really enjoyed it warm and it was a delicious side to sausage and mash.

Difficulty: Easy, especially if you have a steamer

Tastiness rating: 9/10

Next time I'd.... cook the carrots for slightly longer as they were a little too crunchy. 
